H2U x Jacob Beautemps
3 minute read
Science YouTuber and researcher Jacob Beautemps portrays hydrogen solutions for Hyundai H2U.

Jacob holds a Master of Education in Physics and Social Sciences from the University of Cologne in Germany, where he is now studying for his PhD. His goal is to get young people excited about the natural sciences and engage them with solutions for the present and future. He has been able to realize this goal with his work behind the camera on programs like '1, 2 or 3' (ZDF German public TV station), 'Detention' (RTL TV) and 'Stern TV' (RTL TV).
Jacob is very well known for reducing complex topics to their very essence in an easy-to-understand way. His personal interest for hydrogen and his studies make him a perfect match for the H2U Science Journey.
Jacob tries to get in more direct contact with people via his YouTube channel, Breaking Lab. For Hyundai H2U he is developing four episodes in which he will talk about different technologies related to hydrogen and renewable energy. He talks about these topics from his Hyundai NEXO fuel cell electric vehicle, and aims to find answers to his followers’ questions.

Hydrogen has great potential to be one of the leading solutions for many of our society’s ecological challenges, especially in transforming our energy infrastructure and mobility systems to create zero carbon emissions in the near future.

In his science journey he talks about the possibilities of solar technology, the opportunities wind energy brings us, how homes can be powered with a zero-emission hydrogen fuel cell system, and what we can do to reduce and recycle the plastic waste that litters our oceans. He also shows us the workings of the green generation of hydrogen through wind or solar power, and how we can benefit from science in reducing our carbon footprint as a whole.

His motto is based on a quote that is often attributed to Einstein:
“If you can’t just explain something, you haven’t understood it.”
Anyone can throw technical terms around, but to convey a meaning, that is the real art.

Learn more about Jacob’s and Hyundai’s commitment to progress for humanity by checking out the H2U program.