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(Video) More to come: Hyundai Motor heralds start of new football season with fan-focused video (2)

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Sports (Video) More to come: Hyundai Motor heralds start of new football season with fan-focused video (2)

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(Video) More to come: Hyundai Motor heralds start of new football season with fan-focused video (2)

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(Video) More to come: Hyundai Motor heralds start of new football season with fan-focused video (2)

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  • New video highlights Hyundai Motor’s partnerships with five European clubs ahead of 2021/22 season
  • For the first time, Hyundai’s logo will be featured on the sleeves of Chelsea FC and Atlético de Madrid jerseys in UEFA Champions League matches
  • Hyundai will also be sponsoring four women’s clubs, including last season’s UEFA Women’s Champions League finalists, Chelsea FC Women

More to come: Hyundai Motor heralds start of new football season with fan-focused video MP4 51.4 MB
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Offenbach, 13 August 2021 – The new football season is almost underway, and another nine months of sporting drama awaits. To celebrate the occasion, Hyundai Motor has revealed a new video that highlights its partnerships with five European clubs, as well as the vital role that fans play in contributing to the success of their teams.

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