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Encourages the World to Take Charge and Make a Difference with IONIQ

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Encourages the World to Take Charge and Make a Difference with IONIQ

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Electrified 202011170830
Encourages the World to Take Charge and Make a Difference with IONIQ

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  • New IONIQ brand campaign video, ‘I’m in Charge’, shares insights of fashion design Maria Cornejo and adventurer David de Rothschild
  • I’m in Charge’ brand campaign celebrates the launch of Hyundai’s IONIQ dedicated EV lineup brand as part of sustainable lifestyle
  • Campaign Video is viewable on Hyundai’s website

Encourages the World to Take Charge and Make a Difference with IONIQ
Encourages the World to Take Charge and Make a Difference with IONIQ
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Encourages the World to Take Charge and Make a Difference with IONIQ
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SEOUL, Nov. 17, 2020 — Hyundai Motor Company’s new IONIQ brand campaign video, ‘I’m in Charge,’ (LINK) shares insights of various thought leaders — fashion designer Maria Cornejo and British adventurer David de Rothschild — about their commitment to sustainable living. The video also invites eco-conscious consumers everywhere to also take action and responsibility in the global fight against climate change.

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