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Hyundai Motor Group Unveils End-to-End Hydrogen Solutions and Hydrogen Roadmap at H2 MEET 2024

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Corporate Information Hyundai Motor Group Unveils End-to-End Hydrogen Solutions and Hydrogen Roadmap at H2 MEET 2024

  • Hyundai Motor Group Unveils End-to-End Hydrogen Solutions and Hydrogen Roadmap at H2 MEET 2024
    DOCX / 294 KB Hyundai Motor Group Unveils End-to-End Hydrogen Solutions and Hydrogen Roadmap at H2 MEET 2024
  • Hyundai Motor Group Unveils End-to-End Hydrogen Solutions and Hydrogen Roadmap at H2 MEET 2024
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Corporate Information Hyundai Motor Group Unveils End-to-End Hydrogen Solutions and Hydrogen Roadmap at H2 MEET 2024

Hyundai Motor Group Unveils End-to-End Hydrogen Solutions and Hydrogen Roadmap at H2 MEET 2024
Hyundai Motor Group Unveils End-to-End Hydrogen Solutions and Hydrogen Roadmap at H2 MEET 2024

Corporate Information Hyundai Motor Group Unveils End-to-End Hydrogen Solutions and Hydrogen Roadmap at H2 MEET 2024

Hyundai Motor Group Unveils End-to-End Hydrogen Solutions and Hydrogen Roadmap at H2 MEET 2024
Hyundai Motor Group Unveils End-to-End Hydrogen Solutions and Hydrogen Roadmap at H2 MEET 2024

Corporate Information Hyundai Motor Group Unveils End-to-End Hydrogen Solutions and Hydrogen Roadmap at H2 MEET 2024

Hyundai Motor Group Unveils End-to-End Hydrogen Solutions and Hydrogen Roadmap at H2 MEET 2024
Hyundai Motor Group Unveils End-to-End Hydrogen Solutions and Hydrogen Roadmap at H2 MEET 2024
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Hyundai Motor Group Unveils End-to-End Hydrogen Solutions and Hydrogen Roadmap at H2 MEET 2024

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Hyundai Motor Group Unveils End-to-End Hydrogen Solutions and Hydrogen Roadmap at H2 MEET 2024

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  • Hyundai Motor Group unveils comprehensive hydrogen technology solutions and a roadmap at H2 MEET 2024, Korea’s largest hydrogen industry event
  • The Group is showcasing its hydrogen business and technology under the HTWO, emphasizing its unique capabilities and strong collaboration among affiliates
  • Hydrogen value chain business solutions are exhibited as part of four scenarios: Energy Security, Port & Airport Decarbonization, Industrial Applications & Businesses and Hydrogen Society
Hyundai Motor Group Unveils End-to-End Hydrogen Solutions and Hydrogen Roadmap at H2 MEET 2024

SEOUL, September 25, 2024 – Hyundai Motor Group (the Group) unveiled its end-to-end hydrogen solutions and roadmap at H2 MEET 2024 , Korea’s largest hydrogen industry exhibition event, running from September 25 to 27 at the Korea International Exhibition Center (KINTEX) near Seoul.

Under the theme ‘Be a First Mover in Hydrogen,’ the Group introduced its hydrogen business and technology spanning the entire hydrogen value chain under the HTWO brand. This builds upon its hydrogen vision presentation made at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show (CES).

H2 MEET 2024 marks the first event in which all the Group's affiliates are participating together under the HTWO. Participating affiliates include Hyundai Motor Company, Hyundai Rotem, Hyundai Steel, Hyundai Engineering, Hyundai E&C and Hyundai Glovis.

Hyundai Motor Group Unveils End-to-End Hydrogen Solutions and Hydrogen Roadmap at H2 MEET 2024

At its massive H2 MEET booth, the Group is showing four hydrogen value chain business solutions in four scenario-based exhibitions with staff available for explanation at each exhibition corner and digital docents available via smartphones.

The first scenario exhibition, ‘Energy Security,’ introduces the Group’s innovative resource-cycle hydrogen production technologies including W2H (Waste-to-Hydrogen) and P2H (Plastic-to-Hydrogen). W2H utilizes organic waste such as food and sewage sludge to produce hydrogen, while P2H utilizes non-recyclable plastic. The exhibition also showcases Korea’s very first W2H facility in Chungju that converts food waste into hydrogen and supplies hydrogen to nearby refueling stations.

Visitors will also be able to check on Hyundai Motor’s field-proven cell system and its reverse electrolysis technology - PEM electrolysis, which is ideal for producing high-purity hydrogen. The exhibit also features Korea’s very first PEM electrolysis production facility in Buan, operated by Hyundai E&C, alongside other business cases that run on the hydrogen produced.

The second scenario exhibition, ‘Port & Airport Decarbonization’ introduces hydrogen solutions that can be applied to high-carbon-emitting industrial complexes, including ports and airports. Hyundai Motor successfully deployed a pioneering fleet of 30 Class 8 XCIENT Fuel Cell hydrogen-powered trucks for the NorCAL ZERO Project since last year with an aim to reduce carbon emissions at the port of Oakland in California, U.S.

Hyundai Motor is also committed to building hydrogen infrastructure at the Incheon International Airport. In addition to expanding hydrogen refueling stations near the airport terminals, Hyundai Motor is adopting hydrogen energy systems across the airport by utilizing hydrogen fuel cell electric trucks for logistics.

At the third scenario exhibition, ‘Industrial Applications & Businesses,’ visitors can explore Hyundai’s commitment to transform the current industrial logistics system into an eco-friendly system which mainly focuses on transitioning the existing fossil fuel and diesel truck-based logistics system to hydrogen truck-centered operations.

To achieve this, Hyundai Motor and Hyundai Glovis have built a joint venture called HTWO Logistics. Starting with the Hyundai Motor Group Metaplant America (HMGMA) in Georgia, U.S., the business will expand to other sites within the U.S. and globally. This scenario will also cover the steel industry, which supplies raw materials for automotive production and hydrogen-based energy development.

The last scenario exhibition, ‘Hydrogen Society,’ offers a blueprint for a sustainable future in which workplaces and living environments become cleaner and more convenient with the advancement of hydrogen technology, aligning with the Group’s vision, ‘Together for a Better Future.’

The exhibition shows the entire lineup of hydrogen applications and solutions including ships, trams, forklifts, generators and heavy equipment, which utilize Hyundai Motor’s fuel cell system. Hyundai Rotem’s Hydrogen Fuel Cell Tram is introduced in detail through a VR experience zone.

Additionally, a large-scale diorama presents a hydrogen society that the Group will ultimately build as an Energy Mobilizer, by combining the capabilities of the affiliates across the entire hydrogen value chain.

The Group is committed to leading the global energy transition to achieve net zero by 2045. This involves implementing renewable energy at work sites and expanding its hydrogen business, which is seen as a crucial part of the Group’s energy strategy. The aim is to make hydrogen energy accessible to all aspects of life and industry.

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Seohyeon Kim
Global PR Strategy & Planning · Hyundai Motor Company

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About Hyundai Motor Group

Hyundai Motor Group is a global enterprise that has created a value chain based on mobility, steel and construction, as well as logistics, finance, IT and service. With about 250,000 employees worldwide, the Group’s mobility brands include Hyundai, Kia and Genesis. Armed with creative thinking, cooperative communication and the will to take on any challenges, we strive to create a better future for all.

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