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Hyundai Motor Joins Forces with Culture Convenience Club to Provide Personalized Zero-Emission Vehicle Lifestyle

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Hyundai Motor Joins Forces with Culture Convenience Club to Provide Personalized Zero-Emission Vehicle Lifestyle

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Hyundai Motor Joins Forces with Culture Convenience Club to Provide Personalized Zero-Emission Vehicle Lifestyle

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  • The partnership to propose new lifestyle that combines zero-emission-vehicle (ZEV) mobility and cultural content in Japan by collaborating on new concept mobility service, data-driven marketing and global experience platform development
  • Hyundai Motor continues to seek new ways to satisfy customers since its re-entry into the Japanese market in February 2022
  • Based on their shared people-centric vision, Hyundai Motor and CCC aim to bring innovative customer experiences and foster a sustainable society
  • The two companies expect to enhance customer value based on their highly sophisticated data-driven partnership in the era of hyper-personalization
Hyundai Motor Joins Forces with Culture Convenience Club to Provide Personalized Zero-Emission Vehicle Lifestyle

TOKYO/SEOUL, June 22, 2023  Hyundai Motor Company, Hyundai Mobility Japan and lifestyle content company Culture Convenience Club (CCC) today signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to co-create sustainable lifestyle services for the zero-emission-vehicle (ZEV) era. 

The partnership aims to further facilitate Hyundai Motor’s efforts to satisfy Japanese customers with zero-emission vehicles and online sales since its re-entry into the market in February 2022. With the accelerated transition to electrification, Hyundai Motor and CCC’s strategic partnership aims to expand the new mobility lifestyle in Japan and beyond to global markets.

Jaehoon Chang, President and CEO of Hyundai Motor Company, and Yasunori Takahashi, President and Chief Operating Officer (COO) of CCC, were among stakeholders that attended the MOU ceremony held at Daikanyama T-SITE, Tokyo, Japan.  

Based on its brand vision of ‘Progress for Humanity,’ Hyundai Motor is proposing a more sustainable lifestyle for all people, using clean mobility as a new way to move toward an environmentally friendly future. Meanwhile, CCC’s philosophy is to create a better cultural infrastructure centered on the environment by proposing sustainable lifestyles through various online and offline platforms, including TSUTAYA and TSUTAYA Books, leveraging big data based on 120 million customers. 

“Through this collaboration, we expect to create new opportunities through various endeavors,” said Chang, President and CEO of Hyundai Motor Company. “In particular, CCC, which plans new lifestyles by thoroughly analyzing customers’ preferences, and Hyundai Motor’s ZEV culture will work together to build a differentiated Hyundai brand image.” 

Hyundai Motor and CCC share people-centric ideas embedded in their brand concepts and missions. In the new era that requires economic, social and environmental sustainability, the two companies have decided to collaborate on promoting a ‘new lifestyle through ZEV’ in Japan and then expand the program globally. Through this collaboration, both companies will promote specific ZEV lifestyle proposals based on their shared value of fostering a sustainable society. 

The partners will cooperate in three major areas: creating new mobility services, collaborating on data-driven marketing to expand ZEV use, and leading ZEV lifestyle development. Together, they will leverage strategic assets, such as mobility solutions and sophisticated data clustering and algorithms, to develop models for collaboration in each area. 

Creating a new mobility service

For culturally sensitive and environmentally conscious customers visiting TSUTAYA and TSUTAYA Books, Hyundai Motor’s MOCEAN car-sharing service will be available at the Daikanyama T-SITE  from June 23. The service will provide access to Hyundai Motor’s charging facilities and IONIQ 5. The company started offering the MOCEAN service in December 2022 and it has since expanded to Yokohama and Okinawa.


MOCEAN service will also be accessible to users of CCC’s SHARE LOUNGE, a space that combines the functionality of a coworking space with the comfort of a lounge. 

In addition, Hyundai Motor will consider expanding MOCEAN to other bases operated by CCC. The two companies will mutually utilize the data collected during the service operation process and will continue to develop mobility services and create new business plans using mobility services.

Data marketing collaboration for ZEV expansion

Hyundai Motor and CCC will use big data held by CCC Group to identify partners who will co-create a new era of sustainability, such as those who are interested in sustainable living, care about protecting the natural environment and social issues. The partners will work on database marketing to propose a new lifestyle for the ZEV era through various communications based on Hyundai Motor’s brand concept. In addition, they plan to develop an online and offline service that allows customers to experience the new values of ZEV at TSUTAYA bookstores throughout Japan.

“As a lifestyle content company, CCC has contributed to the creation of diverse lifestyles in Japan. With the current changes in the global environment and the significant changes in people’s life values, the concept of sustainability has begun to penetrate car life as well,” said Takahashi, President and COO of CCC. “This partnership is in line with Hyundai’s vision and values, and we hope to propose a new ZEV lifestyle to our customers, promote their wellness and lead social action for zero emissions on a global scale.” 

Hyundai Motor is accelerating its digital transformation through online sales in the Japan market and will leverage CCC’s data science and lifestyle planning capabilities to manage customer data and provide customized customer experiences (CX) that meet individual needs more accurately. 

The two companies will develop an EV experience platform within Hyundai Motor’s global brand bases to drive its global expansion. For example, the two companies will jointly develop ZEV showrooms and propose content to experience the world of ZEVs, expanding the EV experience platform in various areas from Japan to East Asia and ASEAN markets.

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